Livewire, the full-stack framework for Laravel

At DevRepublic we develop for multiple clients in the popular and modern PHP framework Laravel . Because Laravel is fast, easy, maintenance-friendly and more. Where  aravel excels in backend structure, it occasionally falls short in  the frontend area. This is why you often see that the choice is made to combine Laravel with a Javascript frontend framework such as Vue.js or React. 

But there is a simpler and innovative method to make use of the same advantages within Laravel as the Javascript frameworks. And that is Livewire . This  is a full-stack framework that has been set up as an extension of the existing UI solution in Laravel. Livewire makes it possible to build dynamic websites without writing a single line of Javascript.  

Livewire consists of Livewire components.  These components can be set up from each other or from the normal Laravel frontend. This makes it possible to build some parts of a web application dynamically, and not others, even on the same page. This allows you to save unnecessary work and only use Livewire where it is most useful. 

Each component consists of two files, a PHP class which contains some logic, and a standard  Laravel  “.blade.php ” file , which can be expanded with  Livewire  syntax. And this is also where the power of Livewire lies. This  Livewire syntax  Mon akt  possible to  efficiently  with XHR requests information exchange with backend  PHP class. therefore accommodating  PHP functions  can be performed after a click on an HTML button "wire: click" statistics can be shown live by "wire: poll" and   data can be bound to PHP variables, which, among other things, enables realtime validation of input.  Where “wire: poll” normally takes at least 30 lines of programming code, these two words will overcome it. In short: less programming and more structure.

Do you want to know more about Laravel? Then read: Why develop with Laravel

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